Everyone understands the importance of continually growing your sales pipeline and the direct connection to increased revenue.  But how does a full sales pipeline make you a better salesperson and help you close more business?  How do we make the connection of an expanding sales pipeline to being a better salesperson and enabling us to close more business?

Having a full pipeline is something you need to strive for on a continual basis.  You just can’t say “I will have a full pipeline” and not associate action to meet your goal.  Having a full pipeline is taking advantage of every customer contact and making each one count.  Full pipelines come from perseverance and consistent behavior. But still the question begs, how does it make me a better salesperson?

The issue goes deeper than having a full pipeline, and more so, the kinds of opportunities in your pipeline. Even further, how do you take advantage of pipeline opportunities to become a better salesperson?

First you must understand your current sales pipeline, be committed to expanding your sales pipeline, and learn to leverage the opportunities within your pipeline.  That begins the process of becoming a better salesperson.  Just because you expand your pipeline doesn’t automatically mean your revenue will increase accordingly.

Tips for expanding your sales pipeline the Five Opportunities way 

1.       Target your existing sales pipeline and identify additional opportunities within each of your accounts.  If you identify one additional opportunity within each account, you will double your pipeline.

2.       Identify two or more opportunities from every contact.  So for every customer or prospect contact, make a conscious effort to identify multiple opportunities within each one.

3.       Make it your priority and agenda to search for, and uncover, opportunities in everything you do and everywhere you go.


It is all about the Opportunities!