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Brain Exercise – Keeping a Positive Outlook in a Stressful World.

Keeping a Positive Outlook in a Stressful World. For how complex computers have become, we forget how simple they really are. When you look at the basics of the computer it is all about a little electronic gate being open or closed or a binary code of either one or zero. It is the [...]

Listening for Information

Listening for Information What is the #1 selling skill the majority of business people say is most important to your overall sales and communications success? You guessed it, Listening skills.  Listening for information then will determine your listening success.  I agree that becoming a more effective [...]

Top-8 Sales Skills of a Five Opportunities Advocate

Top-8 Sales Skills of a Five Opportunities Advocate If we had to pick the top Five Opportunities Advocate sales skills, topics, or subjects that will guarantee a consistent and effective sales career, our list would consist of the following eight items, which by the way, are the [...]

2020-04-27T12:45:55+00:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sales and Marketing Alignment=Smarketing

WHEN SALES & MARKETING WORK TOGETHER (Smarketing), REVENUE AND PROFIT WILL INCREASE. There has been extensive research concluding that proper alignment of your sales and marketing departments will result in INCREASE. Substantial INCREASE of annual revenue growth rate INCREASE of quality leads INCREASE of close ratios for marketing generated [...]

2020-04-27T12:45:55+00:00By |Marketing|0 Comments

Communication is all about Information

Communicating into the 21st Century Most of the time we think of communication as the way we interact with our fellow human beings. When opportunities and activity becomes your focus, communications can take on a whole new meaning. Leverage ALL available lines of communication to ensure [...]

2020-04-27T12:46:01+00:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments
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