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Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop
Five Opportunities is a pro-active, solution-oriented sales and marketing methodology centered on identifying multiple opportunities within the same account and acting on those opportunities, moving them forward to closure. You can have all the sales skills in the world, but without opportunities, your skills are rendered useless. Every customer contains an opportunity, every opportunity has a timeline, and where they meet determines the action.

Five Opportunities methodology is an accumulation of tried and tested secrets, tips, and tricks from over thirty years of sales and marketing experience. We are still in the trenches daily, speaking to customers and educating ourselves on leading edge products and solutions to keep our approach and offerings fresh and relevant.

This 3-part workshop will cover all the nuances of the Five Opportunities methodology and model. At the conclusion of the workshop you will have the understanding and needed skills that will take your sales and communications to the next level. Happy Selling!

This particular video series is the original content that was developed immediately after the Five Opportunities book was released. The content and enthusiasm contained in this archive was too valuable and rich not to represent the overall Five Opportunities Foundation. A fresh update will be released in the future, but for now, enjoy an original.

Happy Selling!

Please enroll and complete the Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop prior to enrolling in any other courses or workshops to maximize your learning experience.

Course Information

Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop Part 1
Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop Part 2
Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop Part 3

This course is set up in sequential order to maximize learning and retention.

The Five Opportunities sales, marketing, and business development model and methodology is the foundation and core for the entire Sales Success Workshop Series and the most important component to guarantee your success. This  workshop is a pre-requisite and must be completed by every participating member prior to enrolling in any of the other available workshops.

Learner Benefits

The Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop is the foundation and core for the entire Sales Success Workshop Series and the most important component to guarantee your sales success. Expect a myriad of natural outcomes and organic results just by placing “Opportunities First.”  Look for immediate results like a growing pipeline, reduction in clients going silent on you, an influx of deeper and wider opportunity identification, and many, many more.

The Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop is the foundation and core for the entire Sales Success Workshop Series and the most important component to guarantee your sales success. Expect a myriad of natural outcomes and organic results just by placing “Opportunities First.”  Look for immediate results like a growing pipeline, reduction in clients going silent on you,

The Five Opportunities Foundation Workshop is the foundation and core for the entire Sales Success Workshop Series and the most important component to guarantee your business success. Expect a myriad of natural outcomes and organic results just by placing “Opportunities First.”  Look for immediate results like a growing pipeline, reduction in clients going silent on you, an influx of deeper and wider opportunity identification, and many, many more.

Expected Results

⇒ Maximize Shareholder Value
⇒ Continually Increasing Revenue
⇒ Generating Long Term Revenue
⇒ Constant Open Communication Lines
⇒ Higher Profit Margins
⇒ Higher Close Ratios
⇒ Higher Deal Values
⇒ Less Competition
⇒ Continually Filled Pipeline
⇒ Deeper and Wider Deal Identification
⇒ Birthing Opportunities
⇒ Increase of New Logo Business
⇒ More Accurate Forecasting
⇒ Consistently Exceeding Sales Quotas
⇒ Dramatically Increased Sales Activity
⇒ Improved Social Selling
⇒ Sales People Proactively Updating CRM
⇒ Increase in Customer Presentations
⇒ Increase in Product Demonstrations
⇒ Increase in Cross Selling
⇒ Consistent and Predictable Sales Results
⇒ Proactive and Reactive Selling Activity

Generate Results Related to ALL the Sales Methodologies and Approaches
⇒ Professional Selling Results
⇒ Solution Selling Results
⇒ Strategic Selling Results
⇒ Challenge/Insight Sales Results
⇒ Account Based Marketing Results
⇒ Product Selling Results

⇒ Personalized Learning Platform
⇒ Consistent and Effective Sales Training and Education
⇒ Maximum Learning Retention
⇒ Professional Curriculum